

AUgmented synaesthesia


The Burlington Arcade

Hearing sounds through visuals has always interest me, hence I looked into how mood variances may influence color associations, and the perception of the very nature of color itself. Therefore for this project, I will be investigating the cross boundaries of perceptual reality between visual, phonemes and emotions. By researching in how hearing, vision and emotions are tightly cooped in the brain, I have illustrated and developed a project with linear lights across the stretch of shops in Burlington Arcade. This visual journey leads customers into a space between dreams and reality, engaging our senses to the space itself. RGB LED linear lights with sensors and Wi-Fi integrated platform activates a space that interacts with all social levels along the pedestrian passageway beneath the arches and the glazed windows of the roof.


Interactive Journey

A set of linear lines mounted to the arches on the 180 meter long luxury shopping arcade creates light tubes in which RGB LED light fixtures, sensors and hardware are integrated. The aluminium extrusion is covered by opal PC diffuse creating linear lines of lights across the Burlington Arcade. To create a dynamic experience for the users, beacons. through WiFi are installed to continuously sense movement

in the tunnel triggering light scenarios: When a person enters the arcade, the movement activates a space of light in front of the person following him through the stretch of corridor. If more people enter the arcade, a dynamic temporary space of light will appear between them, making people aware of their interference and the surroundings.

The lighting integrated through the arcade shaped a dynamic and interactive concept that focuses on the meeting between movement of visitors. By dynamically creating light, people are made aware of their surroundings.